Sunday, January 15, 2012

75 Days!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to our BASES students, their Families and to All our Subscribers!  We have been at school for 75 DAYS! 

Our students translated that number to be,  in money terms:
3 quarters OR
7 dimes and 5 pennies OR
 7 dimes and 1 nickel OR
14 nickels and 5 pennies

In his school announcement before leaving for Christmas vacation, Mr. Hayes; our principal asked students to take some time to reflect on the work that they had accomplished thus far and reminded them to continue to show introspection by setting forth a plan to continue in the direction they would like in 2012.  I decided to pose similar questions to our BASES students.  They were asked,  “What have you learned in 75 days at school and what do you plan to do in the coming days at school?”

Students responded:
  • I have learned to do hip-hop.  I plan to work at Playland.  By:  Alisha
  • I have learned many cooking skills.  Just today I learned to make garlic bread.  I’ve also learned how to bake muffins.  I have learned lots of Math and multiplication on the chart.  I plan to work harder on my Reading Response.  By:  Jeena
  • I have learned Math and adding money.  I plan to have more answers.  By:  Sukhjit
  • I have learned to play songs with the guitar.  I plan to learn money and timetable.  By:  Maryam
  • I have learned Dance.  I learned the lyrical, Hiphop and Jazzical for Dance.  I’ve learned lots of moves from the past year and I’m getting better at it.  I’ve learned Guitar.  I learned how to hold it and play certain songs.  I learned the frets.  I am certain that I will learn more by the end of the first semester.  I learned Math.  I learned all different kinds of stuff like money and the number chart.  I learned the timestable so I know how to do multiplication now.  I plan to learn more difficult stuff during the year.  By:   Janelle
  • I have learned count money.  I plan to focus on learning say about Brandon.  By:  Brandon
  • I have learned how to paint and I’m getting bette at it.  I plan to get better in Math and Reading.  By:  Jasmine
  • I have learned to count money.  I plan to learn more about the wood shop, computers and electronics.  By: Jayden
  • I have learned all about money.  I plan to count money.  By:  Melanie

There is so much eagerness to learn in our class. So far in 2012, the students have:
  • begun choosing topics from our Journal Jar
  • continued with our number line, money facts, computation and a new unit on reading menus and information on charts to answer Math questions
  • students have chosen an Endangered Species for an individual project
  • on Thursday, students cooked a Delicious meal of macaroni and cheese with cauliflower, garlic bread with strawberries and bananas for dessert

Events in the Coming Weeks:
  • planning for our School Community Garden, with proceeds generously donated by our TERRIFIC PAC.  We are very excited to begin this project and plan to tend to it with a lot of BASES love and attention!
  • the end of Semester 1 and the beginning of Semester 2! 
Written bySue Fuller, BASES Teacher

The Journal Jar

In the class we have started a journal jar - every student pulls out a topic and then writes about it.  Sometimes it's personal, like drawing on an emotion or memory, and sometimes it's asking them to try and explain things that happen in the world around them.  Regardless the topic, the responses are always excellent.

Why does the ocean have a tide?
The moon does something wried and then the tide ghost stop the moon and the tide ghost mabe tide in the ocean then the moon start to be mad, then the moon stop the tide because it was morning.
By:  Katarina

How make you cry and happy?
What make me cry is watching a very sad movie is about a dog Died very end of the movie.  What makes me happy is when the dog being born that is beautiful.  I watch a movie before and I rhead a Book before.
By:  Ellen

Where do I see myself in the Future?
So far as my goals, personal development, residence or job in 5 years and do I have a plan to arrive at the destination?  When I’m 20 years old, I will be at an apartment and home again!  And I will find a job, but, I will do job experiences!
By:  Nolan

Students Speak: My Winter Break

On my winter Break, I went to my cousins house with my cousins.  I went to the theatre on Wednesday with my cousins.  On Christmas I got ipod case and chocolate and headphones and necks.  I went with my cousin together.  She was a good driver.
I went to Walmart with my cousin and I stayed Home.
By: Sukhjit

I went to buy a $200 Toshiba HD 19 Inch TV and 3 New PS3 Games Gran Turismo 5, MLB 2K10 and NBA and waiting for 2 more games NHL 11 and Madden 11. I also got $100 for Christmas spend it on the PS3 Games.  Also my cousin Marvin from Sydney Australia. And my Uncle Jay from Ridgewood NJ show up and the New Years Eve party got cancelled because of the weather. I also went to my program for Job Readyness. I went to Willowbrook Mall for Eating and Browsing and the bus ride was fun and some return from a 2 Month Vacation Askar return on the last day before Schools back and the Rangers 3 and the Flyers 2 in Philly in Citizens Bank Park in the the NHL Winter Classic of 2012.
By:  Shiv

I eat turkey and I eat pumpkin pie.  I stad up and watched TV.  I went to bed.
By:  Alisha

I watched TV shows Spider Riders it is so powerful on hunter steele I merry Christmas body about Santa Claus it happy new year Brandon minott not really is parsents on tree virtual fighter 4 will have to eat turkey and stove top family Brandon’s dad Justin’s I like song Stand my me.
By:  Brandon

During the break I went for a sleep over at Granma’s.  We went for a long walk to the mall.  We also went for coffee and juice.
By:  Caitlin

I stayed home spent time with family.  I slept in everyday I watched a lot of Christmas movies on tv.  I watched Home Alone 1, home alone 2, I had a nice family dinner.  I went on the computer.  I played games on the computer.  I went for a nice car ride and I watched the fireworks on New Year Day and I had hot chocolate with cookies on.  On Christmas day over the break I helped with the house chores I cleaned the house I had the best time ever. My New’s resolution is to exercise and eat healty.
By:  Raheel

On Friday December 16, my dad went to a tournament so there’s mom, riley and me!  My dad came back from the tournament.  Then we cleaned up so that someone is coming.  On Wednesday, I went to the computer looking at the photos, did Tiny Toons Adventures, Happy holidays.  It was completed just in time, I did 2 on them.  On Thursdays, I completed Wanda, the January 2012 issue.  On Friday, baba, riley and I went shopping .  On Saturday December 24 on Christmas eve, I went to bed very early! On Sunday December 25, I riley opened up gifts.  Later on, It was Baba’s Birthday after this, I watched the Grinch on ABC, Tim Carrey is so funny to everyone But not for me!  On Monday December 26, I went to value village to buy books and videos!  On Thursday, uncle Blair and aunt Sonia everyone came over.  On Fridays went to see riley’s tournament.  On Saturday, December 31, I went to Riley’s tournament again after this I went on the computer to finda  new photo.  For dinner, I had Dominos pizza!  I did Tiny Toon Adventures Happy New Year I did C on them!  It was completed just in time Riley tournament at 9AM, another game at 5pm. 
By:  Nolan