Thursday, September 29, 2011

The ordinary(?) and the SPECIAL

I don't know if is possible to call anything "ordinary" in BASES.  We are continuing our Math unit on Measurement and Money.  We are doing an assignment called "Name Your Bean" for our Bean plants (NYB).  Sheila Lee is coming on Tuesday for a wonderful music program.  We are doing a school wide coin find (students from the whole school can find coins and add them to our bin by the classroom, and then at the end of the month "guess" the value for a chance to win!)  We are continuing our geography/postcard assignment.  Postcards have been received in the Netherlands, Germany, Finland and Michigan.  We have since sent a few more, including more to the Netherlands and Germany, as well as Japan and Brazil.  We also participated in the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday.  Now that I think about it, none of this is "ordinary."  Everything in our class is EXTRAORDINARY.

This week we had an extra SPECIAL event.  Our Principal and Vice-Principals came for a visit to the BASES room.  The students had the chance to share what they are learning.  This included having them plant their own beans, add their height to the class height chart (part of the math measurement unit), add their guess to the 100 days line, checking out iPads and sharing some cookies.  We are so much at Sullivan Heights, an in BASES to have such invested and supportive administrators!  The kids had a wonderful time and were so proud to share all they learned!

Fatima shows Mr. Hayes and Mr. Whitham how to plant their beans.  
Arman is excited to see the visitors in our classroom!
 Raheel and Mr. Hayes check out the BASES blog on the iPad!
 Hamza gives an iPad demonstration to Mr. Whitham and Mr. Ranu
 Hamza measures Mr. Hayes on the Height chart.  Apparently Mr. Whitham and Raheel are the same height.  We tried to verify this with a back to back challenge.  They are the same height, though Raheel's hair gives him a slight advantage.
 Students watch as Mr. Whitham get's measured.  Alisha follows up the height chart with a platter of cookies to share.

Students Speak: If you were principal for a day....

In Journals this week, students were asked "What would you do if you were Principal for a day?"  Here is what they said (word for word):

Maryam:  i would watch the canucks games in school and go to playland every year.  We would go outside every day and have early dismissal at 12:00pm.  If i was the principal i would give everyone an iPad2.  
Gagan:  If I am vice principal of this school we taking care for student.  we said no smoking student about in school.  we help student I give you school schedule brake time.  we makeing good rules for only student, we giveing other class Math, science, socials studies all class.  If need question ask Mis Fuller She is principal.
Jeena: I would give the students a huge Party at school and go to Los Angeles, Hollywood.  We all would go to Selena Gomez's concert and hang out with Nickelodeon stars like Big time Rush, ICarly and victorious.
Jasmine: I would let the kids be in a Free wolrd I would be the best techer I would let em eat Gum and Candy and stuff....
Raheel: If I were the principal of this school I would make school easy and fun and the sport activities that I would have would be basketball, football, soccer, badminton.
Sukhjit: I will make a school short day's I would arrange more game
Brandon:  if I were Principal of this school I would Play hockey with the kids Five boys Brandon nolan Muhammed raheel and Shiv is mr Stroh and mrs becker six girls For game basketball ellen melanie Jasine Katarina Janelle alisha
Hamza: If I were the principal of this schooL.  I would play Basket ball with P.E. class.  I would change school schedule.  The school will start at 8:15 to 2:00pm.  Lunch 10:00am.
Katarina:  If I were the Principal of this school I would walk with the whole school to tim hortens.  Then 1 Person will get a free Lunch and the person'a friends will get a free Lunch too.  When the hockey game is on the whole school will stop working and watch the hockey game where hockey is.  They will have winter break until it's February and they will have spring break until  May.  The whole school will come to school at 11:30 and the end time will go home is 1:04.
Melanie:  1.  Working on the computer 2.  Do alot of work in the office 3.  telling the KIDS what to Do 4.  Helping at the school 5.  Make the childrens Happy
Alisha:  I would play games with the kids and i would buy donuts For all the kids
Janelle:  If I was the Principal I would be so nice to the students and make more fieldtrips and make them have less homework.  More Pro-D days and less school!  That would make life much easier.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Highlights of the week...WITH PHOTOS!

It's been another great week in BASES.  We are excited to share more photos of the program AND finally some programs of the students!  Every day is busy and jam-packed, and full of excitement.

We have started a unit in Math on measurement, focusing on length, width and area.  We are using concrete group cooperative activites to measure the classroom.

Mr. Stroh and Ms. Becker are doing a unit on story lines and looking at characters and story arcs, while talking about common high school experiences.  They are doing this by working through the TV Series 'Saved by the Bell'.

We are continuing our support of the school-wide fruit and vegetable program by delivering fresh plums throughout the school, as well as fundraising for our cooking program by continuing with school-wide recycling.

Since the weather was nice early in the week we finally got outside to enjoy the fresh air!!

We have also started a contest - the 100 contest!  We are using straws to estimate where the number line will be when we reach day 100.  We've also been playing lots of game - learning about money management and strategy.

And that's not all!!

We have started a wall of talent in our classroom to show case student projects and passions.  You can see that we have some of Melanie's art (so colourful!) and a post/research project on Selene Gomez and the Scene from Jeena.

Our bean plants are starting to grow!  The first ones have started to sprout, and next week we will be putting them in soil.

And, lastly.  WE HAVE IPADS!  So many reading, learning, math, literature, and interact apps for students to learn from.

Have a great weekend!

Bases Students Speak

This Friday for Journals we asked the students to tell us what they love about school and what they are looking forward to in BASES this year.  Here is what they had to say:

Caitlin:  I like riding on the bus

Melanie:  I like playing on the computer.  Working on math and talking to my friends, reading books and playing some games

Raheel:  I am looking forward to Thursday cooking days in BASES because I want to learn how to cook, I like to cook, I like to cook ice cream desserts

Janelle:  I would like to do more outside stuff and more Math.  I want to start cooking on Thursdays and going shopping for stuff.  I'm looking forward to the AIM games in May.  I can't wait for the fun field trips.  I'm also looking forward to the dance thing that we have every year.  I like how we do the program on Tuesday in 3rd block.

Jeena:  The best memory so far in BASES is having a great time with the teachers, classmates and friends.  My second favourite memory is laughing with Ms. Fuller.  She's very full and the bestest teacher in the whole wide universe.  I love you Ms. Fuller

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Brief Tour through our room...

I mentioned in our last post some of the amazing things going on in the class - but it's always more fun with pictures.

Learning about Geography by sending postcards Internationally

  Learning about plants by growing beans

Learning about our community through current events

Learning French language in the areas of colours, phrases and fruits and vegetables.

Valuing our shining stars!  (And a little organization never hurt...)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Things in BASES are buzzing...

After an ‘interesting’ first few two weeks of school, which included several glitches with the bus company.  However, we seem to be settling into our school routine.  THANK YOU for your patience and understanding.

The BASES classroom is buzzing with activity!  Highlights of the Week include:
  • a morning routine of lockers, checking schedules and handing in planners.  This is followed by calendar, weather and current events (in the coming weeks, students will be bringing news stories as part of their homework)
  • beginning a Science unit on Plants.  Each student has a bean seed germinating in a plastic cup.  We are excited to observe the first signs of growth so they can be planted.  We will be graphing each stage
  • learning some basic French vocabulary, including les actions (actions) and les couleurs (colours)
  • delivering the fruit and vegetables to the whole school as part of the school-wide fruit and vegetables program.  In keeping with this, our students are learning vocabulary for  les fruits (fruit) and les legumes (vegetables) .  Mr. Stroh and Mrs. Becker plan to play French BINGO with the new vocabulary words, during Block 4.  BRAVO!
  • preparing their duotangs for Response Journal, Journals and Math.
  • a collective effort in creating our first display in the display case of ‘Signs of FALL’ from leaves and branches we found on our Nature Walk
  • beginning our unit on Geography and the world by sending our first 5 postcards to  Finland, Germany, Russia, Netherlands and Michigan.  We look forward to receiving our 5 postcards from Around the World!
Upcoming Events:
  • In-class music program on Tuesday afternoons, with Sheila Lee
  • Swimming program start-up for some students
  • Grocery shopping trips to prepare for our...
  • Thursday lunch program 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome to BASES

Greetings Parents and Students!

Welcome to the BASES Blog - your source for all things Sullivan Heights BASES.  Weekly newsletters and up to date calendar and announcements can be found here.  Stay tuned - you may even see students guest blogging!

Your team of teachers in BASES this year include:

Ms. Sue Fuller (full-time)
Mrs. Alyssa Becker (part-time)
Mr. Shawn Stroh (part-time)
Mr. Robert Dewinetz (part-time)

If you have any questions you can email Ms. Fuller at or call the BASES room directly at 604.507.6342.

Looking forward to an exciting year in BASES!