Saturday, September 24, 2011

Highlights of the week...WITH PHOTOS!

It's been another great week in BASES.  We are excited to share more photos of the program AND finally some programs of the students!  Every day is busy and jam-packed, and full of excitement.

We have started a unit in Math on measurement, focusing on length, width and area.  We are using concrete group cooperative activites to measure the classroom.

Mr. Stroh and Ms. Becker are doing a unit on story lines and looking at characters and story arcs, while talking about common high school experiences.  They are doing this by working through the TV Series 'Saved by the Bell'.

We are continuing our support of the school-wide fruit and vegetable program by delivering fresh plums throughout the school, as well as fundraising for our cooking program by continuing with school-wide recycling.

Since the weather was nice early in the week we finally got outside to enjoy the fresh air!!

We have also started a contest - the 100 contest!  We are using straws to estimate where the number line will be when we reach day 100.  We've also been playing lots of game - learning about money management and strategy.

And that's not all!!

We have started a wall of talent in our classroom to show case student projects and passions.  You can see that we have some of Melanie's art (so colourful!) and a post/research project on Selene Gomez and the Scene from Jeena.

Our bean plants are starting to grow!  The first ones have started to sprout, and next week we will be putting them in soil.

And, lastly.  WE HAVE IPADS!  So many reading, learning, math, literature, and interact apps for students to learn from.

Have a great weekend!

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