It's been a while since we've posted some pictures, so it was time to change that!
[1] Tuesday we have music with Sheila Lee. Students cherish this 30 minutes and bring amazing amount of enthusiasm. "Hello and how are you? Hello and how are you? Hello Hello and how are you, hello and how are you?"
[2] On the first tuesday of the month we make lunch for the class, the teachers, SEAs and admin (over 35 people!) This month we made soup: Mashed Potato Soup, with cheese and bacon garnishes and Cheesy Cauliflower Soup with Bacon Garnish. Both soups were yummy!!
[3] Sewing Projects - Katarina and Ellen made aprons in sewing class! Amazing work girls!!
Music class looks fun. I think a drum set in the BASES room might be good, don't you? I remember the lunches! They were so good! The aprons are perfect for helping make Christmas dinner this year. Ms. Thomson